220 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 431-9588
(312) 431-9588
Photography Framing

Whether you take small photos or large ones, they capture a moment in time and space. And while you can never return to that actual time and place, you can see an image of it frozen forever for your viewing pleasure. How it appears to you, ultimately, depends a lot on how you frame it.
The image above is discussed further in this section, but suffice to say that this is a framing treatment that makes a major comittment to wall space. We will show you, in this section, different ways that we have framed photos, both contemporary and antique, color or black & white.
While we know that many photographers would prefer to have their photos appear on the wall unsullied by frames and glass, the reality is that this is not what is best for the photos. They will be subject to degredation by means of ultraviolet radiation from sun and lightbulb, moisture, environmental pollutants like cooking fumes and cigarette smoke, sharp objects and careless cleaning not to mention a few. Therefore, they really need to be in a frame, under glass or plexiglass. Period.
We find that there is a bigger demand, these days, for large format photos, so we have devised a few interesting and unique ways to frame them. The one depicted above, know as a Platform Mount, seems to be the most effective, non-traditional method we have devised. While it is archival, it is not reversible. That is, the photo output is glued down or dry mounted onto an 8 ply rag mat platform with a riser behind it. It is not the same as using polypropylene photo corners or Filmoplast "T" hinges under a traditional mat, where the photo can be removed. Still, the large format items exist in cyberspace and can be easily replicated while the files are still accessible.
Our mantra, when it comes to photos is: If the photo matters to you, PRINT IT OUT. Someday, the media the digital image is stored upon will become corrupted or obsolete and unreadable. The corollary to that is: If you printed it out, frame it and get it up on the wall. That way, you can enjoy it!
Click on the links, below, to learn more about the following framing projects: