220 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 431-9588
(312) 431-9588
Italy Map and Euro Coin Collage
Euro-Studded Trip to Italy
Dana's client honeymooned in Italy and wanted a little something to remember the trip on her wall. She brought in a pocket full of different Euro coins she picked up on the trip, along with an antique map of Italy (printed, ironically, in Chicago!). Here is the net result:

Our computerized mat cutter, the Wizard 9000, allows us to cut circular openings, which were perfect for the coins. Here are some details:

The frame is a distressed, silver-leaf Omega moulding, #83356 that is 3/4" wide by 1 3/4" tall. The mat is Crescent 1174 4 ply rag Beige. Size of the glass is 18 x 20 1/4.
Framing designed and executed by Dana L. Fisher, MCPF
Images shown by kind permission of Teena McClelland