220 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 431-9588
(312) 431-9588
Bank of America Chicago Marathon Couple's Run (Frame #3)
Meagan and her significant other, Matt, ran together in the Bank of America Marathon in October, 2013. This shadowbox frame, that our shop manager Dana designed, incorporates both their runners' bibs, participation medallions, and a joint photo of them running together.

The frame we used was a Larsohn-Juhl Grammercy black flat-top (or "cap") profile that is matte black with silver inner and outer edges. Glass used was ArtGlass Water White Anti-Reflective to allow perfect clarity of detail. Anti-reflective glass, such as Museum glass, AR glass, Ultra-Vue, ArtGlass Water White, etc. all work well for this sort of framing. Which one you use will depend upon your budget, as there is a bit of a cost spread between them, as well as how much ultra-violet light you want to keep out to prevent fading from sunlight and fluorescent light. The shadowbox, itself, was made from Bainbridge 4165 Coal Black Suede matboard. Glass size is 24 x 18.

Note how the different elements float on different levels and overlap each other.
Frame designed by Dana L Fisher, MCPF
Frame executed by Julie A. Kotulak, CPF
Photo credits: Brian D Flax, CPF
Images shown by kind permission of Meaghan Ryan.
Meagan and her significant other, Matt, ran together in the Bank of America Marathon in October, 2013. This shadowbox frame, that our shop manager Dana designed, incorporates both their runners' bibs, participation medallions, and a joint photo of them running together.

The frame we used was a Larsohn-Juhl Grammercy black flat-top (or "cap") profile that is matte black with silver inner and outer edges. Glass used was ArtGlass Water White Anti-Reflective to allow perfect clarity of detail. Anti-reflective glass, such as Museum glass, AR glass, Ultra-Vue, ArtGlass Water White, etc. all work well for this sort of framing. Which one you use will depend upon your budget, as there is a bit of a cost spread between them, as well as how much ultra-violet light you want to keep out to prevent fading from sunlight and fluorescent light. The shadowbox, itself, was made from Bainbridge 4165 Coal Black Suede matboard. Glass size is 24 x 18.

Note how the different elements float on different levels and overlap each other.

Frame designed by Dana L Fisher, MCPF
Frame executed by Julie A. Kotulak, CPF
Photo credits: Brian D Flax, CPF
Images shown by kind permission of Meaghan Ryan.